Employee Health Insurance

Employee Health Insurance



 Benefits employee health insurance program can be tailored to the needs and budget of the company, so please contact the escort agencies to find common ground and alternative solutions.

Fulfillment of employee benefits programs is the goal of all parties. Caution company that total against future employees would further increase the loyalty and productivity of employees in achieving the company's goals. In addition, complete facilities and other protection (such as health insurance, accident, pension, severance and savings protection) also will attract more qualified workers to join the company. Performance of Companies and employees will increase which ultimately will sustain the image and sales of products in the market.

Many people have realized it, but the right choice is not yet met. Therefore, immediately convey your plan and your company's health insurance program for our employees. With the support of the largest insurance companies in the world and a solid team, we are confident to provide the best alternative of all employee benefit program that you want. The program that we can provide are as follows:

Why use Group Health Insurance for Employees:
• The risk of financial and administrative burdens transferred to the insurance company
• Allocation of costs in a planned and fixed, so it does not interfere with the company cashflow
• The company will focus more on their business performance
• Employees and family to be quiet with maximum protection and thorough
• Increase loyalty and employee productivity
• Health services are extensive and professional
• Prepare yourself for the probability of health risk
Facilities Group Health Insurance Program for Employees:
• Have Healthcare Management for a comprehensive health program with the support of staff and quality medical
• It has a 24-hour Customer Service Hotline. 365 days a year
• Have a variety of partners in kota2 hospitals throughout Indonesia as a provider Allianz that will provide convenience and quality of medical service standards as prescribed by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI)
• Provide a guide book, and Card Member Newsletter Health Plus
Excellence Program Employee Group Health Insurance ALLIANZ:
• health insurance program that is supported by a comprehensive system of "Health Care Management" and is managed by the largest insurance company in the world
• Access to information and services 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year
• Available hospital / clinic medika Ad networks are more widely throughout Indonesia
• Free to choose hospitals / clinics worldwide with systems reimburcement
• There is no maximum limit on the accumulation of claims per year (Blue Saphire Light Titanium)
• Replacement of any claim in full (Classic Premier)
• No medical check up and the waiting period (except for pre-existing, specific diseases and exclusion policy)
• Participants can directly go to the obstetrician, and the eyes of a child
• Each participant gets an international health care facilities of the "Global Assistance"
• Participants will also be backed up by a Financial Consultant professional and committed long-term to support online and offline services
Type Employee Group Health Insurance Program:

Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire is a health insurance program employees Indemnity, which gives the maximum benefit limit per incident according to table benefits accumulated annual benefits are unlimited.
Benefits can be customized according to the needs of policyholders and employees.
Basic products: WARD
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Light Titanium
Light Titanium is a health insurance program employees the same benefits with Blue Sapphire only in USD.
Benefits can be customized according to the needs of policyholders and employees.
Basic products: WARD
Rider (Supplement: BIRTH, Outpatient & DENTAL HOSPITAL

Classic Premier
Classic Premier is a health insurance program employees with full replacement (As Charged) suitable hospital bills or standard tables are the rights of participants with a maximum limit of accumulated benefits annually.
Benefits of the standard selected by the employee / company and can not be adjusted as needed.
Basic products: WARD
Rider (Supplement: BIRTH, Outpatient & DENTAL HOSPITAL

Provisions set of Employee's Health Insurance Program (Smart Health)

Age Sign:
• Minimum 15 days - 65 years
• 70 years for renewal
• 23 years for children who are still in college
• 15-45 years for childbirth
Currency :
• rupiah and dollar
Minimum Participants:
• 10 (Blue Sapphire & Light Titanium)
• 100 people (Classic Premier)
Minimum Premiums:
• USD 2.5 million (When Cashless Systems min premiums for hospitalization 15 million)

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